Welcome to our new Website

The Newmarket History Society website has had a makeover to ensure that it is more easily viewable on mobile phones and tablets.

We have also provided a new structured menu system, and search facility, to make it easier to find what you are looking for.


    • Lynne Jones on 15 May 2023 at 12:37
    • Reply

    Good morning. I am interested in you evening walk on Tuesday 16th May 2023, could you please tell how to obtain a ticket, also some information on how I would become a member. Many thanks in advance.

    • Paul Hunt on 16 May 2023 at 15:41
    • Reply

    Dear Sir / Madam I hope one of your members can help me , I had my WW2 display at the coronation fete on may 8th as part of the Royal British Legion , a lady member of yours came to my stand late afternoon asking if I do talk/demos and would I be interested in coming to you – yes I do and yes I would be happy to come
    The main reason I’m contacting you is that she took a really good photo of me and I would love to have a copy / email of it please , I hope to hear from you and meet you all later this year yours PAUL HUNT

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